Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This Kind Of Clarity Only Comes Once

To all those who have ever heard a love song and found some part in it that spoke to you, this is for you.

To all those who have ever watched a movie about love, and no matter how dissimilar it was to your own situation, found some part of it to relate to your life, this is for you.

To all of those who know what it feels like to hold hands with someone and feel like your feet aren't even touching the ground, this is for you. 

To all those who know what it feels like to have time suspended when you look into their eyes, this is for you.

To all of those who know in the depths of their souls that they'll never feel this way ever again, this is for you.

Do not be afraid of love.

This kind of clarity only comes once.
Don't let it slip away.

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