Friday, August 7, 2009

But Dad, it's Shark Week!

Holy Santa Claus shit. I haven't posted for almost a month. I'm sorry to anyone who actually reads this crap and has been craving an update (which I bet is no one).

So college is speeding towards me like a semi-truck. I leave in under two weeks. EEK!!!! On the bright side my roomie, Courtney, seems AWESOME. Seriously, I think we're going to get along great, unless I turn into a babbling idiot when I actually move in. It could happen.

On another note, I had Weekend Wedding Madness last weekend. My friends, Blaine and Christa, got married Friday, followed by Aaron's sister, Sam, getting married on Saturday. Yes, I wore the same outfit to both weddings. I even bothered to get my toes painted. I cried at both weddings because I'm a big baby who loves seeing people in love and all the beautiful things they promise to each other on their wedding days. Of course, due to wedding fever, Aaron and I kept getting asked when WE were getting married at Sam's wedding. After over a dozen not so subtle hints from friends and family, Aaron said he wanted to hold up a sign stating that we were 18 and had no current plans to marry ANYONE. Weddings due put the planning portion of my brain into overdrive and I will admit to indulging myself in a little noncommittal wedding planning that wasn't attached to anyone in anyway. I think if I was better at putting together things in my head, I could be an amazing wedding planner.

It seems so strange to think that in a few years I'll have a real adult job (to go along with my real adult student debt), living all on my own, probably in another city. Hell, in 10 years I'll be married, possibly with children (possibly without). It's strange to think we're at the age where we enjoy naps, can't stay up as late anymore, and food starts to make our tummies feel not so good. Really, I feel like an old lady. Everything on me pops. My knees and back get stiff. I get random aches and pains. I go for sensible over fashionable. What is wrong with me? WHY AM I TURNING INTO AN OLD LADY?!?!!

On an up note, I plan on going camping with Abby to Priest Lake. Which should be awesome. Because we're awesome. And I haven't been camping in some time so it should be hilarious, if nothing else.

Speaking of hilarious, I tried to make crepes the other day. Can you see where this is going already?? The batter turned out great. I followed the recipe to a 'T' and it seemed great. But....the cookie directions were a little vague. So they didn't cook well. I'm proud to say I didn't burn any, but I didn't eat any of them either. I will not be the next Julia Child. I will not be the Next Food Network Star. I will hopefully learn to cook someday, but today is not that day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

*pictures to be added later*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've actually been craving a blog thankyou.

And don't feel bad, I feel old too.