Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Okay, I know I've been extremely bad about posting. My last post was in August. I get it. I'm a terrible blogger. I'm only posting now because I don't want to get out of bed, take a shower, and do my lab report.

I decided that WSU is a giant petri dish. Why? Because I've gotten sick more times this semester than at any other time in my life, I do believe. I managed to dodge Swine Flu though. Suck it, H1N1!

Quick recap on Pullman: It's hilly. Really hilly. I'm actually beginning to develop calf definition for the first time in a long time. Maybe by the time I graduate I'll have the lovingly dubbed "Cougar Calves". Every day I become more and more sure that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm learning to become my own person and that feels absolutely wonderful. I started going to the common ministry on campus at the K-House. I LOVE it there. The people are so wonderfully epic. They make me smile and I get real food once a week.

I'm getting an apartment next year, which means I need a JOB!!! I think I'm just going to work in the dining hall but if I can find a better job, I'll take it.

I guess that's all for now. Ciao.

Friday, August 7, 2009

But Dad, it's Shark Week!

Holy Santa Claus shit. I haven't posted for almost a month. I'm sorry to anyone who actually reads this crap and has been craving an update (which I bet is no one).

So college is speeding towards me like a semi-truck. I leave in under two weeks. EEK!!!! On the bright side my roomie, Courtney, seems AWESOME. Seriously, I think we're going to get along great, unless I turn into a babbling idiot when I actually move in. It could happen.

On another note, I had Weekend Wedding Madness last weekend. My friends, Blaine and Christa, got married Friday, followed by Aaron's sister, Sam, getting married on Saturday. Yes, I wore the same outfit to both weddings. I even bothered to get my toes painted. I cried at both weddings because I'm a big baby who loves seeing people in love and all the beautiful things they promise to each other on their wedding days. Of course, due to wedding fever, Aaron and I kept getting asked when WE were getting married at Sam's wedding. After over a dozen not so subtle hints from friends and family, Aaron said he wanted to hold up a sign stating that we were 18 and had no current plans to marry ANYONE. Weddings due put the planning portion of my brain into overdrive and I will admit to indulging myself in a little noncommittal wedding planning that wasn't attached to anyone in anyway. I think if I was better at putting together things in my head, I could be an amazing wedding planner.

It seems so strange to think that in a few years I'll have a real adult job (to go along with my real adult student debt), living all on my own, probably in another city. Hell, in 10 years I'll be married, possibly with children (possibly without). It's strange to think we're at the age where we enjoy naps, can't stay up as late anymore, and food starts to make our tummies feel not so good. Really, I feel like an old lady. Everything on me pops. My knees and back get stiff. I get random aches and pains. I go for sensible over fashionable. What is wrong with me? WHY AM I TURNING INTO AN OLD LADY?!?!!

On an up note, I plan on going camping with Abby to Priest Lake. Which should be awesome. Because we're awesome. And I haven't been camping in some time so it should be hilarious, if nothing else.

Speaking of hilarious, I tried to make crepes the other day. Can you see where this is going already?? The batter turned out great. I followed the recipe to a 'T' and it seemed great. But....the cookie directions were a little vague. So they didn't cook well. I'm proud to say I didn't burn any, but I didn't eat any of them either. I will not be the next Julia Child. I will not be the Next Food Network Star. I will hopefully learn to cook someday, but today is not that day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

*pictures to be added later*

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sorry this isn't longer....

So I've decided that when you haven't seen someone who you really care about for a long time you're like a starving man at a buffet. The starving man eats and eats and eats until he's about to burst, but will not leave the buffet for fear the food will disappear again.

That's how I've felt all day. If Aaron ever leaves that long again and I can't talk to him.....well, let's not go there. Those were the longest, most horrible days of my life. Today made up for it though.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


So Mom just pointed out to me that the only things I get up willingly at 5:30 AM for are wrestling and picking up Aaron. They both involve Aaron. Go figure.

So, breaking it down to the simplest form: Aaron is the only thing I get up that early for.

I'm SOOOOOO excited for him to be coming home. This has been the longest month of my life, hands down, bar none. I've missed him more than I would have missed my left boob. But, it'll all be over in a few hours.

*happy sigh*

Sorry this isn't beautiful or romantic. I can't think straight. I'll save beautiful and romantic for later.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We make plans, not knowing where they'll take us

So I've got quite a bit to do this week, I think. Well. I hope. I need something to do to distract my mind from how slow time will be moving.

So, here's what I need to do:

  1. Buy Sam a shower gift and while I'm at it buy a wedding gift too
  2. Buy Blaine and Christa a wedding present.
  3. Buy a frisbee for me and Aaron to play with. College kids must learn to throw frisbees. It should be a required class.
  4. Get a big beach towel. They're on sale!
  5. Possibly buy Aaron a little "I miss you so damn much don't you ever leave again!" present.
  6. Hang out with people I've been meaning to hang out with. I'm owed two graduation lunches.

Wow...this upcoming week is going to be a big drain on my wallet. Ouch. And I'd been doing so well. I don't think I've used my debit card in a month. I think that's a new record.

Sorry this blog isn't nearly as profound as the last one. But we all know my profound moments come in fits and bursts and I think if I were to have a profound moment tonight it would be heartbreaking and tearful and I'm just not gonna go there, sister!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Theory on "The Glass Slipper Effect"

Welcome to another episode of "Sarah Writes Her Feelings".

I've been reading too much. Romance novels. They kill me, really.

So tonight I've been thinking about perfect relationships (I think they exist, really. just maybe not the way we've been lead to believe), about give and take (checks and balances, so to speak), and about completion.

Exhibit A: Perfect Relationships
Okay, this really should have come last, since it's sort of the umbrella idea behind this whole thing. What makes a perfect relationship? It's really the perfect combination of the other two things listed about: give & take and completion. Without them, you have friction (and not the good kind), you have problems, you have fights. You want to kill each other. Why? Because you're not practicing the principles upon which good relationships are built. We watch too many movies, read too many books, where the characters are total opposites of each other and it works, so we assume that is the magic formula. Besides, weren't we told that opposites attract? But I don't think that's really the case. I think that on the surface, those people shouldn't work. But they do. Why? Possibly because they understand give & take and the art of completion. Maybe not consciously, but subconsciously. They want to give to their significant other everything they have to offer, but are more than willing to partake in the great things their S.O. has to give. They complete each other because one has what the other doesn't and is more than willing to share that. They are in harmony because their similarities and differences weigh out evenly on the scale. *happy sigh*

Exhibit B: Give and Take
In a good relationships, there has to be lots of give, and some take. You should want to give things to your S.O. and be perfectly happy not to get anything in return. However, if you're in a good relationship, you never have to worry about being reimbursed for your actions. The other half will want to do the same thing. Of course, like the whole "opposites attract" way of thinking, this often backfires when not properly understood. If you give and give and give and give and aren't getting anything in return, you're pouring yourself into a blackhole and you'll feel empty inside, unfulfilled. Which is exactly what's happening. If you're not getting anything in return, maybe you shouldn't be trying. Just because you want someone to be a perfect match doesn't mean they will be. The perfect person will somehow know what to give you, and will be more than happy to take what you give them.

Exhibit C: Completion
Ah yes. Completion. It's kind of an elusive bugger, because you're never sure if it's just all in your head, or real. We all want our S.O. to be the one to complete us, to be our perfect fit. Why? Because we've invested time and energy into them and we want our goddamn fairytale already. So what's the deal with completion? Well......I think most of us know this one. It's when another person makes up for our shortcomings. Think about your best friend. They complete you, right? They know your favorite kind of ice cream and the perfect time to bring it to you. They know just what to say when the world gives you the big middle finger. They finish your sentences when you're not quite sure how to put it. And, best of all, they're probably good at things you're not very good at, like maybe math. That's what we should really be striving for with our completion in our S.O.'s. Someone like a best friend. Which, I think, is why people say they married their best friend. Not because that's the person they can tell anything to, or the person they always run to to fix their problems. But because of the other stuff. They never forget your birthday, or that you hate pickles and mustard. They will watch your favorite movie, even if they hate it. They're not your best friend because you have no one else. They're your best friend because they complete you.

Well, that's my rant for tonight. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry. Aaron will be home soon to entertain me and these things wont' be so long and rambly. Hell. They probably won't even come at all.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Staring into the abyss

One day down. 29 to go.

This is going to be a long month.

Graduated. Yay me!

Zach got me a new camera. Score. Need to go to the bank and deposit all my money. Today was the first day there wasn't a card in the mail from someone. Also need to write thank you notes. Oy vey.

I want Aaron home already :(